Tuesday 12 July 2016

Minnis Bay

So when the suns out we all love a bit of beach action, (even in the cold with fleeces& wellies) Kent has plenty to choose from! Our nearest sandy beach is the lovely Minnis Bay at Birchington-on-Sea! Now like many beaches on the Kent coast most of it disappears at high tide so you have to be a little bit organised and check the tide table. Don't panic!! There are lots of different websites you can google but the BBC is pretty reliable just remember it's approximate as tide times are for Herne Bay or Margate and Minnis Bay is in between. Click this link Tide Table. The best advice is assume half an hour before high tide their might not be a beach and half an hour later the beach will start returning.
So why Minnis? Firstly it's sand, much appreciated by my kids for sand castle building. Secondly you can park for free all along the road in bays facing the beach or alternatively along the opposite side of the road. If it's really busy then there is a large pay and display car park literally 2 minutes from the beach (April- Oct £3.60 4hrs, £4.50 all day). So not far to carry the massive amount of paraphernalia I always seem to think we need! This is also the location of the public toilets (next to the car park) which are standard council but clean and have a baby change in the Ladies.
There is good access to the beach from the promenade with either steps or slope. The beach itself is very flat so you can see the kids easily at a distance.  During the summer there are life guards on duty at the beach on the weekends from end of May then daily from Mid-July through to September. Reassuring for those of us whose kids are in the sea for a swim the second we blink. At one end of the beach (opposite end to the car park) there is a large tidal paddling pool, great for when the tides right out and for those that like exploring the sea.
When the beach is gone or you've just had enough you could pop along to The Minnis Bar&Restaurant over looking the beach. They have a hut outside for take out hot drinks and Ice creams, we like to sit on the benches on the grass and look out at the sea. You could also take a walk or scoot or bike along the promenade. There is a large play park opposite the beach. It is the slightly outdated council variety, but it does the job.You could also hire a 4 wheeled Surrey bike 4-8 seaters which are good fun, from VCT bike hire vctbikehire. Or hire regular bikes or take your own and cycle the coastal trail towards Reculver.
Unlike larger seaside towns there aren't lots of arcades along the front or trampolines/bouncy castles and other things the kids want you to fork out for. From May to September Dogs aren't allowed on the main beach but can walk the promenade on a lead. There are also sea shore safari' s run by Thanet Coastal project in the school holidays visit their website for further information Events

Best for: Everyone
Recommend: Buckets&Spades, Picnic, Bikes or Scooters.
Time: 3-5hrs

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