Monday 21 March 2016

Easter Egg Hunts, Treasure Trails & Scavenger Hunts!

With Easter fast approaching Easter Egg Hunts are on the agenda but treasure hunts or scavenger hunts can be a great distraction all year round. So you may be a treasure hunt mastermind and there are a million blogs online about treasure hunts but plenty of us have inspiration failure so read on for ideas for...DIY versions, Cheap Kits or Free Downloads and list of some Easter Trail events on in Kent this Easter!

The most value for money option is the homemade variety; For the littlies there are:
The 'Find and Collect' - you need a good couple of handfuls of small items which you can hide randomly in the garden or house. Use toy money, jewellery or duplo blocks as the treasure,  I could use Lego in my house and skip the having to scatter it step! To make the activity last longer have a central pot (Large bowl or Jar etc) which they have to return to each time they find a piece of treasure. When they have found every bit or filled the tub, they win a prize!

The 'Picture Scavenger' -  You can either draw or cut out pictures of objects which you put on a card. The aim of the game is to collect one of everything. You could do this for at home or for somewhere you go regularly like the park, woods or beach. The first to collect every item or the one with most when up is the 'winner' .

For the older children:
The 'Letter Hunt' -  Hide pictures of eggs with letters on a trail around the garden, give each child a sheet with the same number of spaces as letters to be found. Then at the end unjumble the letters to make the secret word!

The 'Clue Treasure Hunt'- This will involve a bit of planning. I use scrap paper torn up or post - it notes do the job. Examples of clues:
'It's very cold in here next to the milk'
'It's chilly here but not freezing'
If you want to make it extra hard try things like mirror writing or writing backwards. The bonus with older children as they'll then be desperate to write their own treasure hunt for t he younger ones, so more time for you!

The 'Scavenger Hunt' - The same as the picture one but write a longer list of what they need to find/collect or spot. Again the most finds or spots is the 'winner'!

Kits and Free Downloads 
If you like the idea of DIY but it all sounds like hardwork; There are plenty of 'Find and Collect' Easter egg hunt kits in the shops. Try the bargain stores, you can get one in Pound land for a pound of course! Click Here or from supermarkets, Asda's is £1.50 Click Here!

There are also lots of pre-made Scavenger Hunt or Spotting sheets available free to download on-line. I particularly like the ones from the Woodland Trust which cater for the different seasons and age groups. Click Here!

Of course we all like to get out and about, so here are a few treasure hunts (at 'free entry' locations) coming up soon but please feel free to comment on the blog or facebook of any you know about too...

Whitstable Castle - Mon 28th March 12-3pm Easter Egg Hunt £2.50; 4th-8th April Seashore Trail - Free

Westgate Parks Easter Trail - Canterbury -Sun 27th March 10am-3pm - Free from Toddlers Cove. (First 300 Children)

Whitefriars Shopping Centre, Canterbury - Easter Egg Trail Fri 25th Mar- 3rd Apr (Except 27th) - Free.

Shorne Wood Country Park, Gravesend - Easter Bunny Hunt on 27th March and Easter Activity Trail throughout school holidays, with a treat at the end, charge applies. 

Betteshanger Country Park, Deal - Easter Hunt Friday 25th March, £3 per child. Spring trail through the Easter holidays £1.50 each, find all the letters and win a prize.

Bartons Point Coastal Park, Sheerness - Easter Hunt 27th March,  complete the trail and exchange for an egg at the cafĂ© when you buy a cuppa.

Joydens Wood, Bexley - 27th March, Free Easter Trail with a prize at the end but book in advance online with the Woodland Trust.

Sevenoaks Wildlife Reserve - 27th March. Wildlife Easter Trail and other activities. £4, book online.

Margate Main Sands - 29th March - Scavenger and Great Egg Case Hunt, 45min hunt + 45min  crafts, £1 Adults £1 kids £1 Pre-book Click Here!

Viking Bay - 30th March - Scavenger and Great Egg Case Hunt - same as above.

Ramsgate Main Sands - 31st March - Scavenger and Great Egg Case Hunt - same as above.

Bedgebury Pinetum - 4th-8th April - Stick Man trail and craft drop-in - Follow the stick man trail collect sticks and cones then with extra craft bits make your own stick man and Collect an egg! £2 each.

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