Sunday 6 March 2016


Hello, as you will probably guess I'm new to blogging. Last year I started a list on the local facebook chat group of free places to go with the kids during the summer holidays in Kent. I probably had about 20 places to start with, it was quite popular and people started to come up with suggestions of their own. By free I was mainly thinking of places without an entrance fee so 'free-ish' as you might have to pay to park or there might be extra activities you can pay to do but ultimately you can have a great time and spend very little. Anyway, I thought why not turn it into a blog and see if it has a wider appeal. I've only found out about some of these places through other parents so you may not know these places exist. I'm also hoping to add information on some free annual events and some rainy day at home activity ideas. Everything I blog is just what I know and my opinion, I don't profess to be tourist information but I hope to give you some places and ideas to try from a parents point of view. I work a part-time job, help to run a family business and look after my boys so it may take me a while to get in the swing of things. Feel free to make some suggestions of places I should visit along the way.

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